Custom Recovery Stuck?

1 Antwort

Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) ist ein herstellerunabhängiges Custom-Recovery-System für Android-Geräte, das unter einer Open-Source-Lizenz verfügbar ist.

OrangeFox Recovery is one of the most popular custom recoveries, with amazing additional features, fixes and a host of supported devices

How do I boot into TWRP Recovery and what exactly is TWRP Recovery?

Considering your phone has root. There are 2 ways

Reboot Using Fastboot Commands So, in this fix, you need to open the command prompt windows and then follow the steps mentioned below:

fastboot reboot

This is the the official home of TWRP! Here you will find the list of officially supported devices and instructions for installing TWRP on those devices.

Mit dem kostenlosen "Team Win Recovery Project" (TWRP) können Sie Custom-ROMs installieren und ein komplettes Backup Ihres Android-Phones erstellen

Leider wissen immer noch viele Android-Nutzer nicht, was TWRP überhaupt ist, und welche Möglichkeiten es bietet. In der folgenden Anleitung erfährst du alles, was es zur Installation und Nutzung von TWRP zu wissen gibt.

In diesem Beitrag erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte zur Installation, Einrichtung und Nutzung der Recovery-App

What is TWRP Recovery?

TWRP Recovery is a custom recovery that has been developed by Team Win. This tool allows the users to go ahead and root their devices to gain admin privileges on their devices, flash the latest custom ROMs, modded applications, restricted apps, and flash executable zip files to take advantage of the open-source nature of Android phones and other devices. It has a touch-based user interface, which makes flashing very easy on today’s latest Android devices.

Here we’ll show you how to install TWRP on your Android phone without rooting.

TWRP is an open source, community project. TWRP development is done by roughly 4 people at this point

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